Rotary Information and Links
ROTARY AUSTRALIA WORLD COMMUNITY SERVICE (RAWCS) assists Rotary Clubs develop and manage projects to improve the lives and living conditions of others in developing countries in our region. RAWCS Ltd. operates as a national company with D9700 being part of the Eastern Region Committee of Districts. Website - http://rawcs.org.au/
The Rotary Foundation - The Rotary Foundation is our charity Doing Good in the World. Its mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Foundation implemented a new grant structure on 1 July 2013. Six areas of focus reflect critical humanitarian issues and needs that Rotarians are addressing worldwide. They align Rotary with other international development efforts and will strategically further the Foundations mission.
Website - http://www.tarft.org.au/
End Polio Now - What is Polio - Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. Most know it as polio virus. The virus is spread person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can attack the nervous system, and in some instances, lead to paralysis. Although there is no cure, there is a safe and effective vaccine – one which Rotary and our partners use to immunise over 2.5 billion children worldwide.
For more information or if you would like to donate go to the website - https://www.endpolio.org/what-is-polio
Australian Rotary Health - is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia. We also provide funding into a broad range of general health areas, provide scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students. Australian Rotary Health provides funding into areas of health that do not readily attract funding, and promotes findings to the community. Australian Rotary Health is a project of the Rotary Districts of Australia and is supported by Rotary Clubs. We have a broad vision to improve the health and well being of all Australians.
For more information go to the website - https://australianrotaryhealth.org.au/
Disaster Aid aims to provide and assist in delivering humanitarian aid, shelter and sustainable water systems to people affected by natural disasters. Disaster Aid International coordinates the work of its Country Partners to: Respond to disasters with the supply of humanitarian aid to the affected communities and/or individuals. Operate an Overseas Aid Fund, to be known as the Disaster Aid International Overseas Aid Fund. Train volunteers in administering humanitarian relief and aid; Provide education and training in aspects of disaster relief to individuals, community groups, businesses, schools and other organisations; and Work in partnership on humanitarian projects funded by other organisations, including Rotary clubs and Rotary districts.
Website: https://www.disasteraidinternational.com/about.html
Interplast - Interplast sends teams of volunteer plastic and reconstructive surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and allied health professionals to provide life-changing surgery and medical training in 17 countries across the Asia Pacific region.
We do this in partnership with local organisations, including hospitals, universities and local NGOs. Our mission is to ‘repair bodies and rebuild lives’ and we do this through providing surgical services to those who could not otherwise afford or access these, and by building the capacity of local medical systems through our training and mentoring programs.
For more information go to the website - https://www.interplast.org.au/
Probus is all about Friendship, Fellowship and Fun in retirement.
Probus provides you with the opportunity to join together in clubs and to progress healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities with retirees in your community.
Probus opens the door to new experiences and friendships, you can hear wonderful guest speakers, stay active by participating in a wide range of activities and explore your community, your country or the world.
Website - https://www.probussouthpacific.org/pages/about_probus_what_is_probus
Rages The Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species, RAGES, has been formed to mobilize Rotarians and provide global awareness and focused ACTION in the continuing struggle to preserve and protect endangered species. RAGES will initially focus on the rhinos, elephants, mountain gorillas and chimpanzees in Africa, where poaching is a danger not only to these rare animals, but also to the economic survival of the indigenous people with whom they share the habitat.
Website - https://www.endangeredrag.org/
Rotary Oceania Medical Aid For Children (ROMAC) is a program of the Rotary Districts of Australia and New Zealand to provide medical treatment for children from developing countries who have life threatening and/or complicated conditions that cannot be treated in their own country. As well as restoring dignity to the children, Australian surgeons and medical staff gain valuable experience in treating these severe cases that normally they would rarely see. No Australian child is disadvantaged and ROMAC adheres to strict immigration guidelines. Website - https://www.romac.org.au/
ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and comfort with dignity to people affected by natural and other disasters worldwide. District 9700 has joined ShelterBox Australia as a Rotary multi- District Project. This does not prevent Clubs supporting other disaster aid organisations. Website - http://www.shelterboxaustralia.org.au/